Applied Sociology Colloquium Series: Social Determinants of Health and Data Collection with Hard to Reach and Hidden Populations
Applied Sociology Colloquium Series: Social Determinants of Health and Data Collection with Hard to Reach and Hidden Populations
Applied Sociology Colloquium Series: Social Determinants of Health and Data Collection with Hard to Reach and Hidden Populations by Dr. [...]Desmond Goss awarded a CTC Mini-Grant
Desmond Goss awarded a CTC Mini-Grant
We are delighted to announce that Desmond Goss was awarded a CTC mini-grant to bring social justice professionals in for a virtual panel on working in social justice.
Tara Coyt Book Talk
Tara Coyt Book Talk
The Sociology Club sponsored a book talk on November 5th featuring, Tara Coyt, the author of Real Talk about LGBTQIA.
Annual Sociology Career Open House
Annual Sociology Career Open House
On March 26th, we hosted our Annual Sociology Career Open House!
SOCI Grad Students Winners of the Teaching Social Problems Graduate Student Paper Award
SOCI Grad Students Winners of the Teaching Social Problems Graduate Student Paper Award
Congratulations to Ashley Rockwell, Penny Harvey, Chris Vidmar (pictured after presenter from left to right) and Leanna Greenwood (not pictured)!